
Verified vendor
Design Tools
Software Design Software
Web Design Software

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What is the website of Webflow ?

When was Webflow founded?


How many employees does Webflow have?

201 - 500

What is the annual revenue of Webflow ?

$200.0M - $500.0M

In which country is Webflow most used?

United States

LinkedIn Page

Where are the servers located?

United States

Pricing page

What is Webflow?

Webflow is the revolutionary way to design, build, and launch powerful websites. With Webflow, you can design beautiful websites without having to code. Whether you're a designer looking to launch your first website or a business owner looking to build a powerful website, Webflow is the perfect tool for you. With Webflow, you can easily build and launch a website that looks beautiful and is fully functional. Plus, with Webflow, you don't have to worry about coding or technical issues, because it does all the work for you. With Webflow, you can design and build a website that's perfect for you, your business, and your goals. So why wait? Get started with Webflow today and launch a powerful website that will help you grow your business and reach your customers.

Why choose Webflow?

There are many reasons to choose Webflow as your website builder. First and foremost, Webflow is incredibly user-friendly and easy to use, even for those with no prior experience in web design or development. With its drag-and-drop interface, you can easily create stunning websites without having to write a single line of code. And if you do know how to code, you can take your designs to the next level with Webflow's powerful code features.

In addition, Webflow provides everything you need to build a professional website, including hosting, domain names, e-commerce, and 24/7 customer support. Plus, with its built-in SEO tools, you can be sure that your site will be found by search engines and potential customers.

So whether you're a seasoned web developer or just getting started, Webflow is the perfect platform for creating beautiful, functional websites.

Pro's & cons

You can design beautiful websites without having to code

Webflow is easy to use and very user-friendly.

With Webflow, you can create responsive websites that look great on all devices

You can export your Webflow designs into HTML and CSS code for use on any platform.

There is a huge community of designers and developers who use and love Webflow

Webflow is a hosted platform, which means you don’t have full control over your site. If Webflow ever goes out of business, your site will go down with it.

You’re limited to the templates and features that Webflow offers. If you want to add something outside of what they offer, you’re out of luck.

The learning curve for Webflow can be steep for those who are not familiar with web design concepts and terminology.

Webflow is a relatively new platform, which means there are bound to be some bugs and kinks that need to be worked out.5 Because it is a visual editor, it can be easy to make mistakes that are not easily fixable without starting from scratch or having someone else take a look at your code.

Webflow features


Access Controls/Permissions

Activity Dashboard

Activity Tracking


Auto Update

Calendar Management

Campaign Management

Frequently asked questions

What is Webflow?

Webflow is a cloud-based platform that enables users to create responsive websites without having to write code.

What are the benefits of using Webflow?

The benefits of using Webflow include the ability to create responsive websites without having to write code, as well as the ability to export clean code that can be used on other platforms.

How does Webflow work?

Webflow works by allowing users to create and edit HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code in a visual, drag-and-drop interface.

How can Webflow help you build a website?

Webflow can help you build a website by allowing you to create and edit code in a visual, drag-and-drop interface.

What are the features of Webflow?

The features of Webflow include the ability to create responsive websites without having to write code, as well as the ability to export clean code that can be used on other platforms.

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved