
Verified vendor
Marketing Tools
Email Marketing Software

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What is Vision6?

Vision6 is the most reliable and intuitive email and SMS marketing software in Australia. It allows you to create beautiful email campaigns that look great on any device. You can also send powerful promotional or transactional emails with workflow automation and personalisation tools. With Vision6, you can boost your engagement with SMS marketing and grow your leads with Web Form. With the help of real-time reports, you can also improve your ROI. So why wait? Get your hands on the most reliable and intuitive email and SMS marketing software in Australia with Vision6.

Why choose Vision6?

Vision6 is a powerful marketing tool that allows you to create and send newsletters, email campaigns, and other types of marketing communications quickly and easily. With Vision6, you can create beautiful email newsletters and campaign materials using our easy-to-use drag-and-drop editor. Plus, our comprehensive email deliverability tools ensure that your messages always reach the inbox.

Pro's & cons

Attractive Email Campaigns: Vision6 allows you to create beautiful email campaigns that look great on any device.

Powerful Promotional and Transactional Emails: You can send powerful promotional or transactional emails with workflow automation and personalisation tools.

Boost Engagement with SMS Marketing: You can use Vision6 to boost your audience engagement using SMS marketing techniques.

Grow Leads With Web Forms :With the help of web forms,you can grow leads easily using vision 6.

Real Time Reports To Optimise ROI :You get real time reports which would help you optimise your ROI efficiently

High Cost of Services: Another disadvantage of Vision6 is the cost associated with using their services, as they have a pay-as-you-go system that can be expensive for small businesses.

Complex Interface: Some users may find the interface to be complex, as it is packed with features and navigation options which can make it difficult to understand at first glance.

Limited SMS Capabilities: While Vision6 offers powerful SMS marketing tools, these are limited when compared to other platforms due to its lack of customisation and automation features like drip campaigns or automated reply messages etc.

Lack of Support Options :Vision6’s customer support options are also limited compared to some other email marketing services such like MailChimp who provide extensive knowledge base resources & 24/7 customer service support via chat & phone call facilities.

Time consuming set up process: Setting up your account on this platform could take some time because you need give in all your details before you start working on it. In addition, learning how each feature works might also consume time if you don't have prior experience .

Vision6 features

AB Testing


Activity Dashboard

Activity Tracking


CAN SPAM Compliance


Campaign Analytics

Frequently asked questions

What is Vision6?

Vision6 is an email and SMS marketing software platform that helps businesses to create and manage campaigns across multiple channels. The platform provides a range of features like auto-responders, segmentation, analytics, and more, enabling businesses to maximize the potential of their campaigns and reach their desired audience.

How does Vision6 help with email campaigns?

Vision6 helps with email campaigns by providing a range of features that make it easier to create and manage effective email campaigns. It allows users to design beautiful, responsive emails that are optimized for mobile devices and to better target their campaigns with automated segmentation. It also provides advanced analytics and reporting to measure campaign performance and helps identify areas of improvement.

What are the features of Vision6?

Vision6 features include automated segmentation, A/B testing, automated personalization, multi-channel campaign management, dynamic content, analytics and reporting, integration with CRMs, custom HTML emails, and more. It also offers a range of templates to help users quickly get started with their campaigns.

How can Vision6 help improve ROI?

Vision6 can help improve ROI by enabling users to better target their campaigns and optimize their content for maximum impact. For example, with automated segmentation, users can target specific audiences and send them personalized messages that are more likely to engage. Also, with A/B testing, users can test different versions of the same email to determine which one produces the best results. Additionally, the analytics and reporting features give users the ability to track and analyze the success of their campaigns, helping them to make informed decisions about their email marketing efforts.

Why is Vision6 the most reliable and intuitive email and SMS marketing software in Australia?

Vision6 is the most reliable and intuitive email and SMS marketing software in Australia because of its comprehensive feature set, ease of use, and excellent customer support. Its features

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved