
Verified vendor
Marketing Tools
Event Management Software
Audience Response Software

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What is the website of Slido ?

When was Slido founded?


How many employees does Slido have?

201 - 500

What is the annual revenue of Slido ?

- -

In which country is Slido most used?

United States

LinkedIn Page

Where are the servers located?

Not available

Pricing page

What is Slido?

Are you looking for a way to engage your participants in your hybrid meetings? With Slido, you can easily set up polls, quizzes, and word clouds that will keep your participants engaged and eager to learn more. Plus, with Slido, you can easily engage with your participants even if you're not in the same place - whether you're meeting in the office, online, or in-between. So why wait? Get started with Slido today!

Why choose Slido?

Slido is a powerful and versatile tool that can help you make meetings, events and conferences more engaging and interactive. It allows you to easily create polls, Q&A sessions, and surveys that can be used to capture the opinions and ideas of attendees, as well as to facilitate discussions. Additionally, Slido offers a range of features that can help you create more engaging and productive experiences for your audience, such as live-polling and upvoting, real-time feedback, and moderated Q&A sessions. Slido also provides analytics and reporting tools, so you can measure the success of your event or conference and gain insights into audience engagement. Another great feature of Slido is its compatibility with other software, allowing it to integrate with platforms such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet for even more seamless collaboration. Overall, Slido provides an easy-to-use and comprehensive platform that can help you make any meeting, event or conference more engaging and impactful.

Pro's & cons

1. Increased Engagement: Slido offers interactive tools such as polls, Q&A, quizzes and word clouds which can help increase engagement among participants during hybrid meetings.

2. Sleek Interface: The app has a sleek and simple interface which makes it easy to use for all levels of professionals.

3. Flexibility: The app can be used in any type of meeting setup – whether in the office, online or somewhere in-between!

4. Time-Saving Features: With features like polls and Q&A you save time by getting direct feedback from your participants quickly without having to wait for manual input via chat or email exchange after the meeting ends

5. Easy Reporting: Slido also provides reporting capabilities that allow you to track how your sessions are going by collecting data on things like participant engagement levels throughout the session

1. Limited Integrations: Slido does not have as many integrations with other apps and programs compared to its competitors, limiting the scope of its capabilities.

2. Lack of Advanced Features: For some more advanced features, such as chat rooms or breakout sessions that allow participants in one session to split into smaller groups for collaborative work, users may need to look elsewhere for a hybrid meeting app

3. Unsuitable for Large Groups: The free version is limited on the number of participants it can host so large-scale meetings or events might require an upgraded plan which could become costly over time

4. Limited Customization Options: While Slido gives you options like polls and word clouds during meetings, there are limited customization options available in terms of colour choices and font sizes etc., making it difficult if you want something very specific tailored towards your needs

5. Privacy Issues: using third-party software applications such as Slido raises questions about privacy since they do store information related to your meeting which can be vulnerable

Slido features

Access Controls/Permissions

Activity Dashboard


Data Analysis Tools

Data Import/Export

Data Visualization

Event Calendar

Event Scheduling

Frequently asked questions

What is Slido?

Slido is an interactive event management platform that enables users to engage with their audience and collaborate in real-time. It can be used to create and manage events, collect feedback, and drive participation from any device.

What features does Slido offer?

Slido offers a variety of features that make event planning and organizing easier. These include polling, Q&A sessions, surveys, content sharing, and communication tools. Additionally, the platform provides analytics and insights to measure engagement and performance, as well as custom branding and moderation capabilities.

How does Slido make event planning and organizing easier?

Slido makes event planning and organizing easier by providing an intuitive and easy-to-use platform that allows users to quickly set up and manage events. Features such as polling, surveys, Q&A sessions, and content sharing provide users with powerful tools to engage their audience and facilitate collaboration. Additionally, the platform’s analytics and insights provide users with valuable data to measure engagement and performance.

What advantages does Slido have over other event management tools?

Slido has several advantages over other event management tools. First, it is easy to use and set up, allowing users to quickly create and manage events. Additionally, it offers a variety of features such as polling, surveys, Q&A sessions, and content sharing that allow users to engage with their audience and collaborate in real-time. Furthermore, the platform provides analytics and insights to measure engagement and performance.

How user-friendly is Slido?

Slido is highly user-friendly and intuitive. The platform is easy to set up and navigate, and users can access all of its features with just a few clicks. Additionally, the platform provides helpful tutorials and tips to help users get started quickly and easily.

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved