
Verified vendor
Customer Success
Customer Education Software

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What is the website of skilljar ?

When was skilljar founded?


How many employees does skilljar have?

51 - 200

What is the annual revenue of skilljar ?

$25.0M - $50.0M

In which country is skilljar most used?

United States

LinkedIn Page

Where are the servers located?


Pricing page

What is skilljar?

Skilljar is the world’s leading Customer Education software. Innovative companies such as Tableau, Verizon, Zenefits, U-Haul, and hundreds more rely on Skilljar to onboard, engage, and retain their customers at scale. Headquartered in Seattle, WA, Skilljar is backed by prominent financial institutions including Insight Partners, Mayfield, Trilogy Equity Partners, and Shasta Ventures. Skilljar is currently operating remotely, with employees based in Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Texas, Florida, Georgia, and New York.

Why choose skilljar?

There are many reasons to choose Skilljar, but some of the most popular ones include:

-Skilljar is the leading provider of online training software, and has helped thousands of companies train their employees and customers effectively.

-Skilljar offers a comprehensive and easy-to-use platform that can be customized to fit the specific needs of any organization.

-Skilljar provides expert customer support, and our team can help you every step of the way – from setting up your account to designing your courses and reporting on results.

-Skilljar’s platform is built for scalability, so you can easily add more users and courses as your training program grows.

-Skilljar integrates with major CRM and LMS systems, making it easy to manage your entire training program in one place.

Pro's & cons

World's leading Customer Education software: Skilljar is the world’s leading customer education software, helping companies onboard, engage and retain their customers at scale.

Innovative companies such as Tableau, Verizon and Zenefits rely on Skilljar to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Helps organisations to improve customer engagement and reduce churn rates through providing quality educational content.

Its simple yet powerful interface makes it easy for even novice users to create beautiful courses

Course creation is quick and easy, allowing organisations to get up-and-running with their learning programs faster.

Lack of Templates: One downside to using Skilljar is the lack of templates. While this can be seen as a pro because it allows for more customization, it also requires users to have some coding knowledge or hire someone who does in order to create a course from scratch.

Limited Support for Videos: Another potential con is the limited support for videos within courses. While Skilljar does allow you to embed YouTube videos, there are no options for hosting videos directly on their platform which could be an issue if you want to use video as your primary learning medium.

Steep Learning Curve: The biggest potential downside to using Skilljar is the steep learning curve associated with the platform. If you don’t have any experience with building online courses, it will likely take some time and effort to get up-to-speed on how everything works before you can start creating your own courses.

Skilljar Customer Education features



Asynchronous Learning

Blended Learning

Built-in Course Authoring

Built-in LMS


Certification & Licensing

Frequently asked questions

What is Skilljar?

Skilljar is a cloud-based learning management system (LMS) that enables businesses to train their employees, customers, and partners.

What are some of the features of Skilljar?

Skilljar's features include course authoring, gamification, social learning, and integration with Salesforce, HubSpot, and Marketo.

What are some of the benefits of using Skilljar?

Some of the benefits of using Skilljar include increased engagement and retention, improved customer satisfaction, and faster time to proficiency.

Where is Skilljar headquartered?

Skilljar is headquartered in Seattle, Washington.

Who are some of Skilljar's investors?

Skilljar's investors include Accel Partners, Madrona Venture Group, and Trilogy Equity Partners.

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


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