
Verified vendor
CRM Software

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What is the website of Sellsy ?

When was Sellsy founded?


How many employees does Sellsy have?

51 - 200

What is the annual revenue of Sellsy ?

$2.0M - $5.0M

In which country is Sellsy most used?


LinkedIn Page

Where are the servers located?


Pricing page

What is Sellsy?

Sellsy is the perfect CRM, invoicing and pre-accounting suite for optimized business management and customer experience. With over 6,300 clients, Sellsy surrounds itself with almost 130 employees to carry out its projects. Sellsy remains, above all, a French company created by two entrepreneurs, Frédéric Coulais and Alain Mevellec, for entrepreneurs. Since its creation in 2009, Sellsy has placed innovation at the heart of its strategy, in order to offer companies simple, efficient and secure digital solutions.

Why choose Sellsy?

There are many reasons to choose Sellsy as your ecommerce solution. First and foremost, Sellsy is incredibly user-friendly and easy to set up. Even if you're not a tech-savvy person, you'll be able to create a beautiful and functional online store with Sellsy.

Another great reason to choose Sellsy is that it offers a wide range of features and integrations to help you run your business smoothly. With Sellsy, you can manage your inventory, track your sales, and fulfill orders with ease. Plus, there are plenty of options for payment processing, shipping, and marketing, so you can tailor Sellsy to your specific needs.

Perhaps most importantly, Sellsy is very reasonably priced, especially considering all the powerful features it offers. With Sellsy, you can get started with a free trial, and then choose the plan that's right for you. There's even a plan for small businesses that only costs $9 per month.

All in all, there are lots of great reasons to choose Sellsy as your ecommerce solution. It's user-friendly, feature-rich, and affordable, so it's a great choice for businesses of all sizes.

Pro's & cons

Sellsy is perfect for optimized business management and customer experience.

With over 6,300 clients, Sellsy surrounds itself with almost 130 employees to carry out its projects.

Sellsy remains, above all, a French company created by two entrepreneurs, Frédéric Coulais and Alain Mevellec, for entrepreneurs.

Since its creation in 2009, Sellsy has placed innovation at the heart of its strategy, in order to offer companies simple efficient and secure digital solutions.

Lack of features: While Sellsy offers a CRM, invoicing and pre-accounting suite, it lacks some features that would be beneficial for businesses. For example, it does not offer project management or task management tools.

Limited integrations: Sellsy only offers a limited number of integrations with other software applications and platforms. This limits the potential for businesses to automate their workflows and connect their data across different systems.

High price point: While Sellsy’s pricing is in line with other CRM software applications, its top-tier subscription plan is significantly more expensive than its competitors’ plans. This could make it unaffordable for small businesses or startups on a tight budget.

4._ No free trial: Unlike many of its competitors, Sellsy does not offer a free trial period for its software application.

Complicated user interface: Some users have complained that Sellsy’s user interface is complicated and difficult to navigate.

Sellsy features



Activity Dashboard

Activity Tracking


Billing & Invoicing

Billing Portal


Frequently asked questions

What is Sellsy?

Sellsy is a cloud-based sales and CRM software solution that helps businesses streamline their sales process and manage their customer relationships more effectively.

What are some of the features of Sellsy?

Some of the features of Sellsy include contact and lead management, document management, task and pipeline management, quotes and invoicing, and reporting and analytics.

What is the company's philosophy?

The company's philosophy is to help businesses "sell more, better, and faster."

What types of businesses is Sellsy designed for?

Sellsy is designed for small and medium-sized businesses in a variety of industries.

What has been the company's strategy since its inception?

Since its inception, the company has been focused on helping businesses automate and streamline their sales process.

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved