
Verified vendor
Customer Success
Conversational Intelligence Software
Chatbots Software

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What is the website of Pypestream ?

When was Pypestream founded?


How many employees does Pypestream have?

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What is the annual revenue of Pypestream ?

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In which country is Pypestream most used?

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Pricing page

What is Pypestream?

Pypestream is the automation platform that enterprises use to give people awesome self-service. That’s because Pypestream sets the standard for digital self-service that is actually enjoyable. In practical terms, Pypestream is a self-service automation platform, delivered as a turnkey solution and sold on a pay-for-performance basis. Its centerpiece is the Pype, a progressive superapp driven by cloud-based microapps. Pypes are simply the best looking, best performing self-service assistants imaginable. Pypestream’s breakthrough platform for awesome self-service is backed by decades of experience in the automation industry, and helps businesses of all sizes automate their customer interactions. Whether you want to improve your customer service, reduce costs, or simply provide an exceptional experience, Pypestream has you covered. With Pypestream, you can create and deploy a self-service solution that is as unique as your business. So go ahead and give people awesome self-service with Pypestream!

Why choose Pypestream?

There are many reasons to choose Pypestream as your go-to platform for customer engagement. First and foremost, Pypestream is incredibly user-friendly and easy to navigate. Our team has years of experience in the customer engagement space, and we know how important it is to have a platform that is simple and straightforward.

Another reason to choose Pypestream is our commitment to customer success. We offer a wide range of features and tools to help our customers engage with their audiences in the most effective way possible. We also have a dedicated team of customer success managers who are always available to help with any questions or concerns you may have.

Finally, Pypestream is a great choice for businesses of all sizes. We have a flexible pricing structure that can accommodate any budget, and our platform is scalable so that you can add more users as your business grows.

If you're looking for a customer engagement platform that is easy to use, offers a wide range of features, and is scalable for businesses of all sizes, then Pypestream is the right choice for you.

Pro's & cons

Helps Enterprises Give People Awesome Self-Service: Pypestream sets the standard for digital self-service that is actually enjoyable, making it easier for enterprises to give their customers what they want.

Is a Turnkey Solution: Pypestream is delivered as a turnkey solution, so enterprises don't have to worry about setting it up or maintaining it themselves.

Sells on a Pay-For-Performance Basis: Pypestream is sold on a pay-for-performance basis, so enterprises only have to pay for the results they get from using the platform.

Automates Customer Service Processes: Pypestream automates customer service processes, making it easier and faster for enterprises to provide excellent customer service.

Reduces Costs and Increases Efficiency: By automating customer service processes, Pypestream reduces costs and increases efficiency for enterprises

Pypestream is a self-service automation platform, delivered as a turnkey solution and sold on a pay-for-performance basis.

Pypestream's digital self-service may not be available in all areas.

Pypestream may not be able to integrate with all existing systems and software platforms.

The cost of using Pypestream could be prohibitive for some enterprises.

Pypeastream's customer service and support offerings could be improved.

Pypestream features

AI/Machine Learning


Activity Dashboard

Agent Interface

Alerts / Escalation

Appointment Management

Appointment Scheduling

Audience Targeting

Frequently asked questions

What is Pypestream?

Pypestream is a self-service platform that helps businesses automate their customer engagement.

What are the benefits of using Pypestream?

The benefits of using Pypestream include increased customer satisfaction, reduced customer churn, and increased operational efficiency.

What is the Pype?

The Pype is a software application that allows businesses to create and manage customer engagement processes.

What makes Pypestream's self-service platform unique?

What makes Pypestream's self-service platform unique is its ability to provide a complete suite of customer engagement tools, including the Pype, in one easy-to-use interface.

How long has Pypestream been in business?

Pypestream has been in business since 2014.

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved