PhotoShelter for Brands

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Design Tools
Digital Asset Management Software

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When was PhotoShelter for Brands founded?


How many employees does PhotoShelter for Brands have?

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What is the annual revenue of PhotoShelter for Brands ?

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In which country is PhotoShelter for Brands most used?

United States

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Pricing page

What is PhotoShelter for Brands?

PhotoShelter is the best way to tell your story with photos and videos. It’s a powerful media library that will centralize your team’s assets and change the way you communicate visually. With 15 years in the cloud, PhotoShelter has the experience to help you create and share your best work.

Why choose PhotoShelter for Brands?

There are many reasons to choose PhotoShelter for Brands. We provide a powerful and easy-to-use platform that helps you manage your photos and videos, protect your copyrights, and get your work seen by more people. We also offer a wide range of features and services that can help you grow your business, including branding tools, marketing services, and e-commerce capabilities. And our team is passionate about helping brands succeed. We have a deep understanding of the photography industry and the needs of photographers, and we're always looking for ways to help our clients reach their goals.

Pro's & cons

Power and flexibility: PhotoShelter gives you the power and flexibility to tell your story your way.

Ease of use: With an intuitive interface and easy-to-use tools, PhotoShelter makes it easy to get started and be productive from day one.

Comprehensive media library: With over 15 years in the cloud, PhotoShelter has the most comprehensive media library available, making it easy to find the assets you need when you need them.

Best in class" customer support: Our world-class customer support team is available 24/7/365 to help you with anything you need, whenever you need it.

Always on' security and privacy: We take security and privacy seriously at PhotoShelter, with best-in-class encryption and physical security measures in place to keep your data safe.

Limited to Photos and Videos: While PhotoShelter is a great way to store and share photos and videos, it is limited to only those two types of media. If you are looking for a platform that can also accommodate other types of files, such as documents or audio files, then PhotoShelter may not be the best option for you.

No Free Plan: Unlike many other storage platforms, PhotoShelter does not offer a free plan. While the paid plans are reasonably priced, this could still be a dealbreaker for some users who are on a tight budget.

Not Suitable for Large Teams: If you have a large team of contributors who need access to your media library, then PhotoShelter may not be the best option since it limits the number of users on each plan (5 users on the Basic plan, 10 users on the Standard plan).

Requires Some Technical Knowledge: In order to properly use all of PhotoShelter’s features (such as its website builder), some technical knowledge is required. This could makePhoto Shelter less user-friendly than some of its competitors.

PhotoShelter for Brands features

Access Controls/Permissions

Activity Tracking

Asset Categorization

Asset Library

Asset Lifecycle Management

Asset Sharing

Collaboration Tools

Content Library

Frequently asked questions

What is PhotoShelter?

PhotoShelter is a leading provider of cloud-based image management solutions for professional photographers and businesses. With over 15 years of experience, PhotoShelter has helped millions of photographers and businesses securely manage and share billions of images.

What are the benefits of using PhotoShelter?

The benefits of using PhotoShelter include the ability to manage your images in one central location, access your images from anywhere, share your images with clients and collaborators, and protect your images with backups and security features. PhotoShelter also offers a variety of tools to help you market and sell your images, and can even print and ship your photos for you.

How will PhotoShelter help you communicate better?

PhotoShelter will help you communicate better by giving you a central place to manage your images, and by providing tools to help you share your images with clients and collaborators. PhotoShelter can also help you market and sell your images, and can even print and ship your photos for you.

How long has PhotoShelter been around?

PhotoShelter has been around for over 15 years, and has helped millions of photographers and businesses securely manage and share billions of images.

What kind of experience does PhotoShelter have?

PhotoShelter has a wealth of experience helping photographers and businesses manage their images. In addition to its robust image management features, PhotoShelter also offers a variety of tools to help you market and sell your images, and can even print and ship your photos for you.

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved