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What is Kissmetrics?

Kissmetrics is the only tool you'll ever need to get, keep and grow more customers. With behavioral analytics, segmentation and email campaign automation all in one place, Kissmetrics deeply understands and uniquely engages each customer from prospect to advocate. Built to help marketers and product teams increase conversions, engagement and retention, Kissmetrics is the smartest way to grow your business.

Why choose Kissmetrics?

There are a number of reasons to choose Kissmetrics over other analytics tools. First, Kissmetrics provides detailed, real-time data that allows you to see how users are interacting with your site or app. This data is presented in an easy-to-understand format, so you can quickly identify areas where users are struggling and make changes to improve the experience.

Second, Kissmetrics integrates with a variety of other tools, so you can get a complete picture of your users' journey from start to finish. This includes everything from email marketing platforms to ecommerce platforms, so you can see how users are responding to your marketing campaigns, what products they're interested in, and where they're dropping off in the sales process.

Third, Kissmetrics offers a wide range of features to help you understand your users, including A/B testing, Cohort Analysis, and Funnel Reporting. These features allow you to test different hypotheses about your users and see which ones are most effective.

Fourth, Kissmetrics has a strong customer support team that can help you with any questions or issues you have. They also offer a range of resources, such as webinars and ebooks, to help you get the most out of the platform.

Overall, Kissmetrics is a powerful analytics tool that provides detailed data, a wide range of features, and great customer support. If you're looking for a tool to help you understand your users and improve your website or app, Kissmetrics is a great option.

Pro's & cons

Comprehensive Analytics: Kissmetrics offers comprehensive analytics, so you can track customer behavior across the entire funnel and get actionable insights to help increase conversions.

Automated Email Campaigns: With Kissmetrics, marketers can easily create automated email campaigns based on user behaviors and segmentation to further engage customers throughout their journey with your brand or product.

Segmentation & Retargeting Capabilities :Kissmetrics allows users to create highly-targeted segments that make it easier for them to deliver personalized experiences tailored towards each unique customer's needs.

Detailed Funnel Monitoring: The platform enables businesses to monitor the progress of prospects through their respective funnels in real-time in order gain a better understanding of how effective marketing campaigns are performing.

5. Easily Identifies Advocates & Champions: It helps companies identify who are advocates and champions among customers, allowing them reach out directly those loyalists most likely promote the products/services they offer

Data Privacy Concerns: Kissmetrics requires customers to provide personal data in order to access its services, so there are potential issues with data privacy that need to be considered.

High Cost of Subscription Fees: The subscription fees for using the Kissmetrics platform may be too high for some businesses and organizations who need such analytics tools but can’t afford them.

Long Setup Process and Lengthy Learning Curve: Setting up an account on the Kissmetrics platform can take quite a while, especially if you're new at it; moreover, using all features effectively might require lengthy learning as well as trial-and-error processes before actually taking off with your campaigns or strategies

Limited Customer Support Options: There is limited support available from customer service representatives which makes troubleshooting glitches difficult when help is required immediately

Can Be Overwhelming For Beginners: When first starting out on the platform, users may find themselves overwhelmed by all of the different options available which could make understanding each feature complicated

Kissmetrics features

AB Testing

Activity Tracking


Behavior Tracking

Campaign Management

Campaign Segmentation

Campaign Tracking

Cohort Analysis

Frequently asked questions

What does Kissmetrics offer?

Kissmetrics is a customer analytics and engagement platform that helps businesses measure, understand, and improve the performance of their online marketing efforts. It offers comprehensive tools to analyze user behavior, track conversions, segment customers and optimize campaigns.

How does Kissmetrics help marketers and product teams?

Kissmetrics provides powerful insights that allow marketers and product teams to make data-driven decisions. It provides complete visibility into customer journeys and engagement, allowing marketers to identify opportunities for growth. With Kissmetrics, marketers can easily identify which campaigns are working, who their most valuable customers are, and when customers are most likely to convert.

What are the benefits of using Kissmetrics?

The benefits of using Kissmetrics include access to real-time insights, improved campaign optimization, automated segmentation, and more. With these insights, marketers can better understand customer behavior and create more effective campaigns that drive conversions. Kissmetrics also allows teams to track performance across channels and devices, so they can optimize campaigns for maximum efficiency.

How does Kissmetrics understand and engage customers?

Kissmetrics enables product teams to understand and engage customers in meaningful ways. It helps teams identify at-risk customers, understand why customers churn, and develop targeted campaigns to increase customer loyalty. With Kissmetrics, product teams can also build personalized experiences for customers, helping to increase engagement and drive conversions.

What is the smartest way to grow your business?

The smartest way to grow your business is to focus on understanding and engaging customers. By leveraging customer analytics and engagement tools like Kissmetrics, businesses can gain a better understanding of their customers and create more effective campaigns that drive conversions. Additionally, businesses should use customer feedback to continuously innovate and improve their products and services, as this will help them stay ahead of their competition.

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved