
Verified vendor
HR & People Software
Talent Management Software
Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

Company details

Company type


What is the website of JobVite ?

When was iCIMS founded?


How many employees does JobVite have?

201 - 500

What is the annual revenue of JobVite ?

$100.0M - $200.0M

In which country is JobVite most used?

United States

LinkedIn Page

Where are the servers located?

United States

Pricing page

What is JobVite?

Looking for a way to find and hire top talent faster? Jobvite is the perfect solution for you! With Jobvite, you can improve recruiter efficiency by removing the repetitive administrative tasks and hiring better talent twice as fast. Jobvite provides the TA technology, agile solutions, and services to automate talent acquisition and help recruiters hire the best talent more efficiently.

Why choose JobVite?

There are many reasons to choose JobVite as your recruitment solution. JobVite is the only applicant tracking system (ATS) that is purpose-built for recruiting. This means that our software is designed specifically to help you find, screen, and hire the best talent. Other ATSs are generic systems that were not designed specifically for recruiting and do not have the same features and functionality.

In addition, JobVite is very user-friendly and easy to use. Our software is designed to make your life easier, not add more complexity. We know that recruiting can be a complex and time-consuming process, so we have designed our software to be as streamlined and efficient as possible.

JobVite is also very affordable. We offer a variety of pricing plans to fit any budget, and we even have a free plan for small businesses. We believe that everyone should have access to quality recruitment software, regardless of their budget.

Finally, JobVite is backed by a team of expert recruiters. We are here to help you every step of the way, from finding the right candidates to making the perfect hire. We know what it takes to succeed in recruiting, and we are passionate about helping our customers find the best talent.

Pro's & cons

Jobvite is the perfect solution for those looking to find and hire top talent faster.

With Jobvite, you can improve recruiter efficiency by removing repetitive administrative tasks and hiring better talent twice as fast.

Jobvite provides the TA technology, agile solutions, and services to automate talent acquisition and help recruiters hire the best talent more efficiently.

Using Jobvite can help reduce your company's recruiting costs while also helping you improve your quality of hires!

Jobvite integrates with many Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), making it easy to get started with using their software

High cost: Jobvite is a premium service, and it can be quite expensive for small businesses or startups that are tight on budget.

Lacks certain features: While Jobvite offers a lot of great features, it lacks some key features that are offered by its competitors, such as candidate scoring and tracking.

User interface can be challenging to use: Some users have complained that the user interface of Jobvite can be quite challenging to use, especially if you're not familiar with recruiting software.

Not suitable for all businesses: While Jobvite is great for many businesses, it might not be suitable for everyone due to its high cost and lack of certain features

Jobvite features


Activity Dashboard


Applicant Tracking

Approval Process Control

Assessment Management

Attendance Tracking

Background Screening

Frequently asked questions

What is Jobvite?

Jobvite is a cloud-based recruiting software that helps companies source, track, and hire the best talent.

What are the benefits of using Jobvite?

The benefits of using Jobvite include improved candidate quality, faster time-to-hire, and better hiring decisions.

How does Jobvite help recruiters hire better talent?

Jobvite helps recruiters hire better talent by providing access to a powerful database of candidates, advanced tracking and reporting tools, and a streamlined process for sourcing and hiring.

What type of technology does Jobvite provide?

The technology that Jobvite provides includes a cloud-based platform, a mobile app, and a suite of integrated tools.

What types of solutions and services does Jobvite offer?

The types of solutions and services that Jobvite offers include applicant tracking, candidate sourcing, email and text messaging, job postings, and offer management.

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved