
Verified vendor
Customer Success
Help Desk Software

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What is the website of HappyFox ?

When was HappyFox founded?


How many employees does HappyFox have?

11 - 50

What is the annual revenue of HappyFox ?

$15.0M - $25.0M

In which country is HappyFox most used?

United States

LinkedIn Page

Where are the servers located?


Pricing page

What is HappyFox?

HappyFox is the best customer support and ticket management software out there. Our software ensures better organization, faster responses, the ability to track everything and giving you the best customer service option out there! With HappyFox, you can easily manage your customer support and ticketing system with ease. With HappyFox, you can easily manage your customer support and ticketing system with ease. HappyFox is a ridiculously easy, powerfully simple customer support and ticket management software. HappyFox integrates with your email accounts & website to ensure that all your support requests get collated. Our software ensures better organization, faster responses, the ability to track everything and giving you the best customer service option out there!

Why choose HappyFox?

There are many reasons to choose HappyFox as your customer support software. First and foremost, HappyFox is incredibly user-friendly and easy to set up. Even if you're not a tech-savvy person, you'll be able to get HappyFox up and running in no time. Additionally, HappyFox offers a variety of features that can be customized to fit your specific needs. For example, you can create custom ticket fields, set up automated responses, and use powerful reporting tools to track your team's performance.

Another big reason to choose HappyFox is that our team is passionate about providing the best possible customer service. We're always here to help, whether you need assistance with using the software or have questions about your account. We also offer free training resources so you can learn how to use HappyFox to its fullest potential.

Finally, HappyFox is an affordable option for small businesses and startups. We offer a free 14-day trial so you can test out the software before committing to a paid plan. And our prices are very competitive, especially when you consider all of the features and benefits that HappyFox offers.

So why choose HappyFox? There are lots of great reasons! We hope you'll give us a try and see for yourself.

Pro's & cons

HappyFox is the best customer support and ticket management software out there.

With HappyFox, you can easily manage your customer support and ticketing system with ease.

HappyFox integrates with your email accounts & website to ensure that all your support needs are met in one place.

Ridiculously easy, powerfully simple customer support and ticket management software.

5.With Happyfox, you can be assured of fast responses to all your queries and a comprehensive tracking system for all tickets raised!

Price: One of the potential cons of using HappyFox is that it is a paid software, which means that you will need to spend money in order to use it. While there is a free trial available, you will eventually need to pay for the service if you want to continue using it.

Integration Issues: Another potential con of using HappyFox is that it may have some issues with integrating with your email accounts and website. While most users report no problems, there are some who have encountered difficulties getting everything to work together smoothly.

Limited Features: A third potential con of using Happyfox is that its features are somewhat limited compared to other customer support and ticketing software options on the market. While it does offer a good range of features, there are other options out there that offer more comprehensive solutions.

HappyFox Help Desk features


Access Controls/Permissions

Activity Tracking

Alerts / Escalation


Assignment Management

Automated Routing

Call Center Management

Frequently asked questions

What is HappyFox?

HappyFox is a customer support software that helps businesses manage customer inquiries and requests.

What are the benefits of using HappyFox?

Some benefits of using HappyFox include its ability to help businesses streamline customer support operations, improve customer satisfaction, and increase efficiency.

How does HappyFox work?

HappyFox works by tracking and managing customer inquiries and requests through a central interface. This allows businesses to quickly and easily respond to customer inquiries, as well as track and resolve issues.

How does HappyFox integrate with other systems?

HappyFox integrates with other systems such as CRM and ticketing systems to provide a complete customer support solution.

What makes HappyFox different from other customer support software?

What makes HappyFox different from other customer support software is its focus on customer satisfaction. HappyFox offers a number of features and tools designed to help businesses increase customer satisfaction levels.

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved