
Verified vendor
Marketing Tools
E-Commerce Software
Subscription Billing Software

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What is the website of Fusebill ?

When was Fusebill founded?


How many employees does Fusebill have?

11 - 50

What is the annual revenue of Fusebill ?

$10.0M - $15.0M

In which country is Fusebill most used?

United States

LinkedIn Page

Where are the servers located?

Not available

Pricing page

What is Staxbill?

Stax Bill is the automated subscription billing and payments with a human touch. We automate the repetitive so you can focus on the big picture. With Stax Bill, you can easily set up and manage your subscriptions with just a few clicks. We'll take care of all the tedious tasks, like sending out reminders and collecting payments, so you can focus on what really matters. And if you ever have any questions or concerns, our friendly and knowledgeable customer support team is just a click away. So go ahead and check out Stax Bill, the automated subscription billing and payments with a human touch.

Why choose Staxbill?

There are many reasons to choose Staxbill over other billing software options. First and foremost, Staxbill is incredibly easy to use. The interface is clean and user-friendly, so you can get started quickly and easily. Additionally, Staxbill offers a wide range of features to suit your needs, including invoicing, payments, quotes, and more.

Another big benefit of Staxbill is that it's highly affordable. There are no monthly fees or contracts, so you only pay for what you use. This makes Staxbill a great option for small businesses and startups. Plus, if you ever need help, our customer support team is always available to answer your questions.

Pro's & cons

Automated Processes: Stax Bill automates the tedious billing and payment processes, allowing you to focus on more important tasks.

Easily Manage Subscriptions: You can easily organize your different subscriptions with a few clicks, so no time is wasted in managing them manually.

Cost Savings: The automated processes within Stax Bill help minimize costs associated with manual labor for processing payments and sending out reminders or notifications about upcoming renewals and billings

Customer Support Team Available 24/7: If you ever have any questions or concerns, customers are provided with a friendly customer support team that is available around-the-clock at all times of day or night to assist them should they need it

Secure Payment Processing System :Stax Bill provides customers security when making payments through its secure payment system which helps protect their personal data from being compromised

Lack of Integration with Other Platforms: Stax Bill may not be able to integrate with other payment platforms, which could cause difficulty when managing subscriptions across multiple sites and services.

Limited Security Features: Though Stax Bill has some basic security features built in, they may not be sufficient for more sensitive transactions or customers who require higher levels of security and privacy protections.

Risk of Double Charging Customers: If a customer’s subscription is cancelled or changed without proper notification being sent out to the billing department, it could lead to double charges for that customer due to outdated information still on file in the system.

Unexpected Technical Issues: Any technical issues encountered while using Stax Bill can potentially cause significant delays in processing payments and filing subscriptions properly, resulting in unhappy customers.

Potential Customer Confusion: The automated nature of billing processes can cause confusion among certain customers as they try navigate their way through invoices, payments, etc., requiring additional support from your team if complications arise during checkout process

Stax Bill features

ACH Payment Processing


Access Controls/Permissions

Account Reconciliation


Accounting Integration

Accounts Receivable

Activity Dashboard

Frequently asked questions

What does Stax Bill offer?

Stax Bill offers a comprehensive subscription billing and management platform that simplifies and automates recurring payments, invoices, and customer communication. It allows businesses to easily manage their subscription-based billing operations to improve customer satisfaction and drive revenue growth.

What tasks does Stax Bill automate?

Stax Bill automates tasks such as creating invoices, calculating taxes, charging customers, updating subscriptions, and maintaining customer records. It also provides customizable subscription plans and payment options, as well as automated customer support and notifications.

How do I set up and manage subscriptions with Stax Bill?

Setting up and managing subscriptions with Stax Bill is easy and intuitive. You can create subscription plans and set up payment terms for your customers in a few clicks. Additionally, you can access real-time data about user activity, cancellations, and payments from the dashboard.

What type of customer support is provided by Stax Bill?

Stax Bill provides 24/7 customer support via email, chat, and phone. The team is available to answer any questions or concerns you may have and will provide personalized assistance to get the most out of the platform.

How can Stax Bill help me focus on the big picture?

With Stax Bill, you can focus on what matters most: driving business growth and improving customer experience. Automating time-consuming tasks such as billing, invoicing, and customer support allows you to devote more resources to developing new products and services, increasing customer satisfaction, and reaching new markets.

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved