
Verified vendor
HR & People Software
Talent Management Software
Recruiting Automation Software

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LinkedIn Page

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Pricing page

What is Fountain?

Fountain is the world's leading hiring platform, empowering the world's leading enterprises to find the right people through smart, fast, and seamless recruiting. Candidates can apply anytime, anywhere in minutes, right from their phone. Automated and customizable processes streamline the candidate experience and save time for recruitment teams so they can scale with growing hiring needs. Advanced analytics provide end-to-end process visibility so managers can make swift, data-driven decisions. Throughout the candidate journey the openly integrated platform enables companies to find, qualify, and hire top talent.

Why choose Fountain?

There are many reasons to choose the Fountain hiring platform. First and foremost, it is a highly effective way to find and hire great talent. With Fountain, you can post job openings and receive applications from a large pool of qualified candidates. You can also use Fountain's powerful search engine to find candidates who meet your specific criteria.

Another reason to choose Fountain is that it makes the hiring process more efficient and streamlined. With Fountain, you can easily keep track of your job openings, applicants, and hiring progress. You can also share job openings with your team and get their feedback on candidates.

Finally, Fountain offers a number of features and tools that can help you streamline your hiring process. For example, you can use Fountain's "smart filter" to sort candidates by skills, experience, and other factors. You can also use Fountain's "interview scheduling" tool to schedule and manage interviews.

Pro's & cons

Smart & fast recruiting: Fountain's platform enables companies to find the right candidates quickly and efficiently.

Seamless candidate experience: Candidates can easily apply for jobs through the platform, and automated processes make it a smooth experience.

Streamlined recruitment process: The platform streamlines the recruitment process, saving time for recruiters.

Data-driven decisions: Advanced analytics provides managers with data-driven insights to make informed decisions about hiring processes.

Integrated platform : The openly integrated platform enables companies to connect with different tools and services to optimize their recruiting efforts

Limited to major global enterprises: Fountain's services are limited to major global enterprises, which may not be ideal for small businesses or startups.

Lack of face-to-face interaction: One of the potential cons of using Fountain is that it automation and lack of face-to-face interaction might make it difficult to build rapport with candidates.

Difficult to navigate platform : Another con is that the platform can be difficult to navigate, making it time consuming for recruiters to find the right candidates.

High cost : The cost of using Fountain's services can be prohibitive for some companies, especially small businesses or startups .

5 Not suitable for all types of positions : While Fountain may work well for many types of positions , there are some (such as creative roles) where a more traditional approach might be more effective .

Fountain features


Access Controls/Permissions

Activity Dashboard


Applicant Tracking

Application Management

Assessment Management

Background Screening

Frequently asked questions

What is Fountain?

Fountain is a recruiting platform that helps companies streamline their hiring process.

What are the benefits of using Fountain for recruiting?

The benefits of using Fountain for recruiting include the ability to manage all your candidates in one place, the ability to automate repetitive tasks, and the ability to keep track of your hiring progress.

How does Fountain streamline the candidate experience?

Fountain streamlines the candidate experience by providing a centralized platform for managing your candidates. Fountain also automates repetitive tasks such as sending out interview reminders and thank you notes.

How does Fountain help managers make data-driven decisions?

Fountain helps managers make data-driven decisions by providing them with tools to track their hiring progress and performance. Fountain also allows managers to see how their team is performing against their hiring goals.

How is Fountain integrated with other platforms?

Fountain is integrated with other platforms such as Gmail, Google Calendar, and LinkedIn.

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved