
Verified vendor
Marketing Tools
Event Management Software
Event Management Platforms

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What is the website of Eventbrite ?

When was Eventbrite founded?


How many employees does Eventbrite have?

501 - 1000

What is the annual revenue of Eventbrite ?

$100.0M - $200.0M

In which country is Eventbrite most used?

United States

LinkedIn Page

Where are the servers located?

Not available

Pricing page

What is Eventbrite?

Eventbrite is the world's No.1 platform for event management. It allows anyone to create, share, find and attend events that fuel their passions. Whether you want to host an event or attend one, Eventbrite has you covered. With thousands of events happening every day, you're guaranteed to find something that interests you. Plus, with the Eventbrite app, you can easily manage your event from your phone. So what are you waiting for? Create your next perfect day with Eventbrite!

Why choose Eventbrite?

Eventbrite is a great choice for event planning because it is an easy-to-use platform that offers a variety of features to help you plan and promote your event. Eventbrite makes it easy to create an event listing, sell tickets, and promote your event through social media and email marketing. You can also use Eventbrite to track registrations, manage guest lists, and collect payments.

Pro's & cons

Easy to Use: Eventbrite is incredibly easy to use, allowing anyone to create and manage events with just a few clicks.

Comprehensive Features: Eventbrite provides a full suite of features, including ticketing options, event marketing tools and data analytics for tracking event performance.

Safety & Security: All payments are processed securely using the latest encryption technology in order protect your information from fraud or theft.

.Affordable Pricing :Eventbrite offers competitive pricing plans that will suit any budget without sacrificing the quality of service you receive. Connect With Attendees: Event organizers can easily connect with attendees before, during and after an event through messaging on the site or app

Limited Free Services: Eventbrite offers basic event creation and ticketing features for free, but does not offer more advanced features such as attendee check-in or customized event designs.

Ticket Fees: Even with the free services offered by Eventbrite, there is a fee associated with each ticket purchased through the platform ranging from $0.99 to 4%. This additional fee can add up quickly depending on how many tickets are sold and makes it difficult to generate revenue off of events that charge lower levels of admission fees per person (such as concerts).

Lack Of Customization Options & Insufficient Reporting Functionality: The customization options available in Eventbrite are limited which makes it difficult to create an individualized experience for attendees when creating an event page or managing admissions processes. Additionally, reporting functions provided within the platform leave much room for improvement in terms of providing users with detailed post-event information about who attended their events and other key metrics related to performance.

. Payment Processors Limitations: Depending on which country you’re located in ,Eventbrite may not be able process payments using certain payment processors like PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Play etc because they do not support these platforms at this time.

. Poor Customer Service Support System: There have been some reports made about poor customer service support system from people who use Eventbrites services frequently making them feel frustrated after reaching out multiple times without getting a response back or resolution they were looking for

Eventbrite features


Activity Dashboard


Attendance Management

Attendee Management

Attendee Tracking

Badge Management

Barcode / Ticket Scanning

Frequently asked questions

What is Eventbrite?

Eventbrite is an online event management platform that helps individuals, businesses, and organizations host, manage, and promote their events. It enables users to create online ticketing pages, manage RSVPs, and track attendance.

What are the benefits of using Eventbrite?

Using Eventbrite offers a variety of benefits, including the ability to quickly and easily create an event page, accept payments, generate tickets and track attendance. It also allows you to promote your event, as well as manage and measure its success. Additionally, Eventbrite offers detailed reports and analytics to help you monitor the performance of your event.

What type of events can you find on Eventbrite?

You can find a range of events on Eventbrite, from small meetups to large conferences. These include business and networking events, art and culture events, educational events, music and entertainment events, food and drink events, and more.

How can you manage your events with Eventbrite?

Eventbrite makes it easy to manage and promote your events. You can create custom online event pages with photos, videos, and descriptions and manage ticket sales and pricing. You can also create and customize promotional materials, such as email campaigns and social media posts, to spread the word about your event. Additionally, Eventbrite allows you to track attendance and measure the success of your event.

What can you do with the Eventbrite app?

With the Eventbrite app, you can access all the features of the Eventbrite dashboard on the go. You can create and manage events, update and promote events, manage ticket sales, check-in attendees, and more. Additionally, you can use the app to check-in attendees and scan tickets at the door.

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved