
Verified vendor
HR & People Software
Talent Management Software
Microlearning Platforms

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What is the website of EdApp ?

When was HireVue founded?


How many employees does EdApp have?

11 - 50

What is the annual revenue of EdApp ?

$2.0M - $5.0M

In which country is EdApp most used?

United States

LinkedIn Page

Where are the servers located?

Australia, United States

Pricing page

What is EdApp?

EdApp is a smarter and simpler way to learn. With our mobile training platform, you can deliver more engaging and effective micro-learning directly to your learners anytime and anywhere. EdApp is quickly becoming the world’s most loved mobile training platform, and we have a better learning management system designed for today’s digital habits.

Why choose EdApp?

There are many reasons to choose EdApp over other educational platforms. First and foremost, EdApp is designed with the needs of educators in mind. We offer a wide range of features and tools that make it easy for educators to create and deliver engaging and effective learning experiences. Secondly, EdApp is highly affordable, making it a great option for schools and districts on a tight budget. Thirdly, EdApp is extremely user-friendly, both for educators and learners. And finally, EdApp is backed by a team of passionate and experienced educators who are committed to helping our customers succeed.

Pro's & cons

Mobile-friendly and accessible: EdApp can be accessed on any mobile device, making it convenient for learners to access content anytime, anywhere.

Engaging and effective micro-learning: With EdApp, you can create engaging and effective micro-learning content that is directly targeted to your learners' needs.

Powerful learning management system: EdApp's learning management system is designed for today's digital habits, making it easy to manage and track learner progress.

Affordable: EdApp is a cost-effective solution for delivering training content to your learners.

Customizable: With EdApp, you can customize your courses to match your brand identity and meet the specific needs of your organization

Lack of personal interaction: One of the potential cons of using EdApp is that it lacks the personal interaction that can be beneficial for some learners. While EdApp does allow users to connect with each other, it is not face-to-face learning.

May not be suitable for all types of learners: Another potential con is that EdApp may not be suitable for all types of learners. Some people learn better in a traditional classroom setting, where they can receive immediate feedback from a teacher or professor. Others may prefer more independent learning, and thus find EdApp to be more beneficial.

Initial investment costs: The initial investment cost for developing an app like Edapp could potentially be quite high depending on the features required and type of business model used monetize the platform .

EdApp features



Activity Tracking

Adaptive Learning

Asynchronous Learning

Badge Management

Bite-Sized Learning

Blended Learning

Frequently asked questions

What is EdApp?

EdApp is an award-winning learning management system (LMS) that enables educators to easily create and deliver engaging, interactive and effective micro-learning experiences for their learners.

What are the benefits of using EdApp?

The benefits of using EdApp include the ability to create customised learning experiences for each learner, the delivery of bite-sized content that is easy to consume and the ability to track learner progress and activity.

What makes EdApp different from other learning management systems?

What makes EdApp different from other learning management systems is its focus on micro-learning. EdApp delivers content in short, manageable chunks that are easy for learners to digest and retain. Additionally, EdApp offers a range of features specifically designed to support micro-learning, such as the ability to create customisable learning paths, to easily track learner progress and to deliver content in a variety of formats (including video, audio, text and quizzes).

How can EdApp be used to deliver micro-learning?

EdApp can be used to deliver micro-learning in a number of ways. For example, educators can use EdApp to create customised learning paths for their learners, to deliver bite-sized content in a variety of formats, and to track learner progress and activity.

What are the features of EdApp?

The features of EdApp include the ability to create customised learning experiences, the delivery of bite-sized content, the tracking of learner progress and activity, and the ability to deliver content in a variety of formats.

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved