
Verified vendor
Marketing Tools
Event Management Software
Virtual Event Platforms

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What is the website of Cvent ?

When was Cvent founded?


How many employees does Cvent have?

1001 - 5000

What is the annual revenue of Cvent ?

$500.0M - $1.0B

In which country is Cvent most used?

United States

LinkedIn Page

Where are the servers located?

Not available

Pricing page

What is Cvent?

The Cvent event marketing & management platform offers software solutions to event organizers & marketers for online event registration, venue selection, event marketing & management, virtual & onsite solutions, & attendee engagement. Cvent’s suite of products automate & simplify the event management process & maximize the impact of in-person, virtual, and hybrid events.

Why choose Cvent?

Cvent is a powerful event management platform that provides planners with the tools they need to create successful events. The platform streamlines many of the processes associated with event planning, such as registration and check-in, attendee engagement, marketing and analytics. Cvent’s intuitive user interface makes it easy to quickly set up an event and get started. The platform also offers advanced features such as custom branding, automated reminders, social media integration and analytics to help you gain insights into the success of your events. Cvent’s customer support team is available to answer any questions you have and provide best practices for the platform. Additionally, Cvent offers robust security measures to ensure that your data is safe and secure. With Cvent, you can be sure you have the tools you need to make your event a success.

Pro's & cons

Comprehensive Solutions: Cvent provides its users with a comprehensive set of solutions that simplify and automate the event management process.

Increased Efficiency & Productivity: The platform helps its users save time, reduce costs, and increase efficiency by automating many of their manual processes related to events such as registration and venue selection.

Enhanced attendee Engagement: With tools for virtual networking, surveys & polls, gamification elements etc., Cvent enables its users to engage their attendees more deeply than ever before both in-person or virtually.

. Comprehensive Insights from Data Analytics: Its analytics feature allows organizers to gain valuable insights into who attended their event as well as how they interacted with it so they can make better decisions going forward.

. Scalability & Flexibility: As an organizer’s business grows ,C vent makes it easy for them scale up seamlessly without having to worry about any technical complexities associated with managing large numbers of attendees or venues

High Cost of Subscription: Cvent's subscription cost is relatively high, as compared to other event management platforms, and may not be suitable for all budgets.

Limited Reporting Capabilities: While Cvent offers a wide range of tools to report on data related to events, it does not offer access to certain types of analytics in the form that some users might need or prefer.

User Interface Issues: The user interface can be complicated sometimes when trying to complete more complex tasks that require multiple steps with varying levels of complexity which can lead users feeling overwhelmed and frustrated while navigating the platform’s numerous features and options available at each step along the way.

Complicated Set-up Processes :The set up process for an event using Cvent can often feel overly complicated due partly because there are so many features available within their platform but also because those different features don’t always work together seamlessly which leads time consuming troubleshooting during setup phases.

Technical Support Delays :While technical support is generally helpful when needed ,Cvent does have long delays in response times as well as resolution times for issues reported by customers which has been known cause frustration among frequent users .

Cvent Event Management features


Access Controls/Permissions

Action Item Tracking

Activity Dashboard

Activity Tracking

Agenda Management


Attendance Management

Frequently asked questions

What is the Cvent event marketing & management platform?

Cvent is an event marketing and management platform that provides solutions and services to event organizers and marketers. It offers a suite of products to help streamline the entire event management process, from planning and registration through to post-event analysis. The platform is designed to help maximize the impact of events, while ensuring they are organized efficiently and effectively.

What solutions does Cvent provide to event organizers and marketers?

Cvent provides a variety of solutions and services to event organizers and marketers. These include event registration, venue sourcing, online surveys, email marketing, mobile apps, and onsite check-in solutions. Additionally, Cvent’s suite of products allows for efficient event logistics management, data integration, and audience profiling and tracking.

How does Cvent's suite of products help simplify the event management process?

Cvent’s suite of products helps simplify the event management process by providing a comprehensive, streamlined solution. With Cvent, event planners have access to a wide range of features and functionalities, including registration and attendee management, budgeting and reporting, event marketing and email marketing, surveys, analytics, and mobile app solutions. All of these tools help event organizers save time and effort, while ensuring maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

How does Cvent help maximize the impact of events?

Cvent’s suite of products helps maximize the impact of events by providing powerful tools to increase visibility, engagement, and participation. With Cvent, event planners can easily create and manage registration forms, generate promotional materials and emails, track audience behavior, and measure the success of their events. Additionally, Cvent’s mobile apps allow event organizers to provide real-time updates, surveys, and notifications to attendees, which helps to increase engagement and participation.

What are the types of events that Cvent can help with?

Cvent helps organize a variety of events,

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved