
Verified vendor
Marketing Tools
Blogger Outreach Software

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How many employees does blogdash have?

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What is the annual revenue of blogdash ?

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In which country is blogdash most used?

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What is blogdash?

BlogDash is a content marketing platform built to help bloggers connect with brands/businesses. It’s the first blogging outreach and link building software to be created in the blog world and it’s here to make clients’ content marketing campaign success.

With a variety of features, do-it-yourself tools, and turnkey solutions, BlogDash is the ultimate content marketing platform. It allows bloggers to easily find and connect with brands/businesses to collaborate on content creation. The platform also includes a variety of features to help brands/businesses create successful content marketing campaigns, including a built-in link building tool, a library of pre-made templates, and a suite of marketing analytics.

With BlogDash, bloggers can easily find and connect with brands/businesses to collaborate on content creation. It also includes a variety of features to help brands/businesses create successful content marketing campaigns. So whether you’re a blogger looking to find brands to collaborate with or a business looking to create successful content marketing campaigns, BlogDash is the perfect content marketing platform for you!

Why choose blogdash?

Blogdash is a powerful tool that helps bloggers manage their blog posts and track their metrics. It provides an easy way to see which posts are performing well and which ones need improvement. Additionally, Blogdash offers a suite of features that makes it easy to track your blog's traffic, engagement, and growth.

Pro's & cons

BlogDash is the first blogging outreach and link building software to be created in the blog world, making it easier for bloggers to connect with brands/businesses.

The platform includes a variety of features to help brands/businesses create successful content marketing campaigns, including do-it-yourself tools and turnkey solutions.

BlogDash makes it easy for bloggers to find and connect with brands/businesses to collaborate on content creation, helping businesses save time and money on their content marketing efforts.

The platform provides a wide range of options for businesses looking to create successful content marketing campaigns, making it an ideal solution for companies of all sizes.

Time-consuming: The process of finding and connecting with potential collaborators can be time-consuming.

Requires a lot of effort: You will need to put in a lot of effort to create successful content marketing campaigns using BlogDash.

Limited number of collaborators: You may only be able to find a limited number of potential collaborators on the platform.

No guarantee of success: There is no guarantee that your content marketing campaign will be successful even if you use BlogDash.

Not available

Frequently asked questions

What is BlogDash?

BlogDash is a tool that helps bloggers manage their blog content and social media presence.

What is the purpose of BlogDash?

The purpose of BlogDash is to help bloggers save time by providing a central place to manage their blog content and social media accounts.

What are some of the features of BlogDash?

Some of the features of BlogDash include the ability to schedule and publish blog posts, track social media metrics, and collaborate with other bloggers.

How can bloggers use BlogDash to their advantage?

Bloggers can use BlogDash to their advantage by using its features to save time and increase their blog's reach.

How can brands/businesses use BlogDash to their advantage?

Brands/businesses can use BlogDash to their advantage by collaborating with bloggers to create sponsored content, or by using the platform to advertise their products or services.

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved