
Verified vendor
HR & People Software
Talent Management Software
Performance Management Systems

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What is the website of BetterWorks ?

When was Predictive Index founded?


How many employees does BetterWorks have?

51 - 200

What is the annual revenue of BetterWorks ?

$10.0M - $15.0M

In which country is BetterWorks most used?

United States

LinkedIn Page

Where are the servers located?

Not available

Pricing page

What is BetterWorks?

Make every employee feel like a rock star with Betterworks! Our best-in-class performance management solutions are designed to help you align, motivate, retain and develop your people. Unlike legacy HR technology, our lightweight and enterprise-ready SaaS solutions are built to scale for businesses of all sizes. With Betterworks, you can easily check in with your team, provide feedback, engage and recognize employees, and achieve exceptional results. So why wait? Get started today and make your employees feel like the superstars they are!

Why choose BetterWorks?

There are many reasons to choose BetterWorks as your performance management software. First and foremost, our software is designed to help you improve communication and collaboration within your organization. By using BetterWorks, you can easily connect with other members of your team and share information and ideas. Additionally, our software is extremely user-friendly and easy to use, so you can get started using it right away. Finally, our customer support team is always available to help you with any questions or issues you may have.

Pro's & cons

Aligns, motivates, and retains employees: With Betterworks, you can easily check in with your team and provide feedback to help engage and recognize employees. This will help keep them motivated and aligned with your company's goals.

Scales for businesses of all sizes: Unlike legacy HR technology, our lightweight SaaS solutions are built to scale for businesses of all sizes. So whether you're a small business or a large enterprise, we can accommodate your needs.

Easily check in with employees: With Betterworks, you can easily check in with your team to see how they're doing and offer feedback when needed. This helps create a more open and communicative workplace environment where everyone feels valued

Employee Misalignment: While Betterworks may help to align some employees with company goals, it could also lead to misalignment for others. If not used correctly, this HR tool could actually create more work for managers and cause frustration among employees who don't feel accurately represented by the software.

Feedback Inflation: Another potential con of using Betterworks is that it could lead to feedback inflation. This occurs when managers feel pressured to give more positive feedback than they would normally give in order to boost employee morale or keep them engaged with the software. This can ultimately backfire, as employees may start to view all feedback as being insincere or disingenuous.

Lack of Customization: Another downside of Betterworks is that it lacks customization options for businesses that have specific needs or wants in their HR management system . This one-size-fits-all approach may not be ideal for all companies, and some may find that they need to look elsewhere for an HR solution that better meets their unique needs .

Betterworks features

360 Degree Feedback


Activity Dashboard

Anonymous Feedback



Continuous Feedback

Customizable Templates

Frequently asked questions

What are the benefits of using Betterworks?

The benefits of using Betterworks include increased productivity, improved communication, and better performance management.

What makes Betterworks different from other HR technologies?

What makes Betterworks different from other HR technologies is its focus on goal setting and tracking, which can help businesses to achieve exceptional results.

How can Betterworks help businesses achieve exceptional results?

Betterworks can help businesses achieve exceptional results by providing a system for setting and tracking goals, as well as providing tools for communication and performance management.

How easy is it to use Betterworks?

Betterworks is easy to use, with a simple interface that makes it easy to set up and track goals.

What do you need to get started with Betterworks?

All you need to get started with Betterworks is an account with an email address and password.

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved