
Verified vendor
Marketing Tools
E-Commerce Software
Product Reviews Software

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What is the website of BazaarVoice ?

When was BazaarVoice founded?


How many employees does BazaarVoice have?

501 - 1000

What is the annual revenue of BazaarVoice ?

$200.0M - $500.0M

In which country is BazaarVoice most used?

United States

LinkedIn Page

Where are the servers located?

United States, Europe

Pricing page

What is BazaarVoice?

Bazaarvoice is the most powerful and comprehensive retail technology platform out there. It’s used by thousands of the world’s leading brands and retailers, like Gap, Target, and Walmart, to drive revenue, extend reach, gain actionable insights, and create loyal advocates. With Bazaarvoice, brands and retailers have the tools they need to create smarter shopper experiences across the entire customer journey.

Why choose BazaarVoice?

BazaarVoice is a powerful ecommerce solution that can help businesses drive more sales and improve customer satisfaction. Here are some of the key reasons to choose BazaarVoice:

1. Increased Sales: BazaarVoice has been shown to increase sales by up to 15%.

2. Improved Customer Satisfaction: BazaarVoice can help you improve customer satisfaction levels by up to 30%.

3. Better Product Quality: BazaarVoice can help you improve the quality of your products, making them more appealing to customers.

4. Greater Customer Engagement: BazaarVoice can help you increase customer engagement levels, making it easier to build loyalty and repeat business.

5. More Positive Reviews: BazaarVoice can help you generate more positive reviews, which can further improve your sales and customer satisfaction levels.

Pro's & cons

Increased Reach: Bazaarvoice enables brands and retailers to reach more customers through its comprehensive platform.

Actionable Insights: Bazaarvoice provides actionable insights that can be used to improve customer experience and drive revenue growth.

Improved Loyalty: By creating better experiences, Bazaarvoice helps businesses build loyal relationships with their customers over time.

Smarter Shopping Experiences: With the help of the advanced technology offered by this platform, companies can create smarter shopping experiences for their consumers across all channels of engagement including online and in-store environments.

Flexible Solutions :Bazaarvoice offers flexible solutions tailored specifically for individual business needs so that companies get exactly what they need from the platform without having to invest in unnecessary features or functionality

Expensive: Bazaarvoice can be quite expensive to implement and maintain, especially for small businesses with limited capital. This could lead to a significant increase in overhead costs that are not always feasible or sustainable in the long term.

Difficulty Integrating With Other Platforms: Bazaarvoice is designed as a stand-alone platform, which makes it difficult to integrate with existing systems and software programs used by brands and retailers.

Lack of Customization Options: The technology offered by Bazaarvoice has limited customization options compared to other platforms, which may limit its usefulness for some businesses’ specific needs or goals

Poor Customer Support Services: Many customers have complained about the poor customer service they received from Bazaarvoice support staff including slow response times and inadequate resolutions of issues raised

Compatibility Issues: There have been reports of compatibility issues between certain versions of bazaarr voice platform resulting in disruption during use

Bazaarvoice features


Email Reminders

Multi-Channel Management

Negative Feedback Management

Performance Metrics

Post Scheduling

Purchasing & Receiving

Ratings / Reviews

Frequently asked questions

What is Bazaarvoice?

Bazaarvoice is a technology company that helps brands and retailers create relationships with consumers through user-generated content (UGC). Bazaarvoice provides software solutions that enable clients to capture, analyze, and display authentic customer reviews, ratings, photos, and videos across their digital properties.

What are some of the features of Bazaarvoice?

Bazaarvoice offers a variety of features to help companies grow, including content moderation and analytics tools, social media integrations, and an easy-to-use content management system (CMS). It also offers marketing services such as syndication, advertising, and campaigns to help its customers reach more consumers.

What are the benefits of using Bazaarvoice?

The benefits of using Bazaarvoice are numerous, from increasing trust and boosting sales to improving brand loyalty and driving organic search traffic. By leveraging UGC, brands and retailers can create a more engaging shopping experience for customers. Additionally, utilizing Bazaarvoice’s analytics and reporting capabilities allows companies to gain a deeper understanding of their customers and optimize their products and services.

What types of companies use Bazaarvoice?

Bazaarvoice is used by a wide range of companies, from small startups to large enterprises. Companies in a variety of industries have utilized Bazaarvoice, including retail, medical, beauty, automotive, travel, and food and beverage.

How does Bazaarvoice help brands and retailers?

Bazaarvoice helps brands and retailers increase trust with consumers by providing them with authentic customer reviews, ratings, photos, and videos. This helps build trust, boost sales, and improve customer loyalty. Additionally, Bazaarvoice's syndication and advertising services help brands and retailers reach more consumers, while its analytics and reporting capabilities give them valuable insights into their customers so they can better optimize their products and services.

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved