
Verified vendor
Customer Success
Remote Monitoring & Management (RMM) Software

Company details

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What is the website of Atera ?

When was Atera founded?


How many employees does Atera have?

51 - 200

What is the annual revenue of Atera ?

$25.0M - $50.0M

In which country is Atera most used?

United States

LinkedIn Page

Where are the servers located?


Pricing page

What is Atera?

Introducing Atera, the all-in-one RMM and PSA platform for IT professionals. From remote monitoring and management, to remote access, helpdesk, billing, and reporting, Atera offers all the next-level features you wished for in one place.

IT automation rules, shared script library, and exclusive patch management software take care of all the busywork so you can step up and shape the future of IT.

Atera has operations in the United States, Europe, and Asia.

Why choose Atera?

There are many reasons to choose Atera. Here are just a few:

-Atera is the only all-in-one remote monitoring and management (RMM) platform that includes everything you need to run your IT business – all in one place, and all accessible from a single, centralized dashboard.

-Atera gives you complete visibility and control over all of your devices and systems, so you can quickly and easily identify and resolve issues before they become major problems.

-Atera's powerful automation features make it easy to manage your entire IT infrastructure, saving you time and money.

-Atera's pricing is simple and straightforward, with no hidden fees or long-term contracts.

-Atera's world-class support team is always available to help you, whether you're a new customer or a seasoned pro.

Pro's & cons

All-in-one RMM and PSA platform: Atera offers remote monitoring and management, remote access, helpdesk, billing, and reporting all in one place.

IT automation features: Atera's IT automation features take care of all the busywork so you can focus on shaping the future of IT.

Exclusive patch management software: Atera's exclusive patch management software makes sure your systems are always up to date.

Global operations: Atera has operations in the United States, Europe, and Asia so you can be sure they have you covered no matter where you're located.

Atera may be difficult to use for those who are not familiar with IT automation or patch management software.

Atera's features may be too complex for some users and lead to more work than if they were using a simpler platform.

The cost of Atera's subscription may be prohibitive for some users, especially if they are not already using many of the features offered.

Some users have reported difficulty getting customer support from Atera, either by phone or online chat.

There is a risk that data stored in Atera could be lost or corrupted if the platform were to experience an outage or technical problem.

Atera features


Access Controls/Permissions

Active Directory Integration

Activity Dashboard

Activity Tracking

Alerts / Escalation


Anti Virus

Frequently asked questions

What is Atera?

Atera is a remote monitoring and management (RMM) platform that provides IT professionals with a comprehensive, all-in-one solution for managing and supporting their customers' IT infrastructure.

What are the features of Atera?

Atera's features include remote monitoring and management of IT devices, patch management, asset management, ticketing, billing, and reporting.

How does Atera benefit IT professionals?

Atera's RMM and PSA capabilities help IT professionals to be more efficient and productive in their work, by providing them with a single platform to manage all aspects of their customers' IT infrastructure.

What sets Atera apart from other RMM and PSA platforms?

Atera's all-in-one solution and its focus on simplifying IT management make it a unique RMM and PSA platform.

How easy is it to use Atera?

Atera is easy to use, with a user-friendly interface that makes it simple to navigate and find the information and tools you need.

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved

Company details

Amsterdam HQ
Prinsengracht 741

1017 JX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Athens Office
Vasilissis Sofias 102

Athens 115 28


© 2023 Monocle, inc. All Rights reserved